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We are a full-service Creative Agency

Art Direction
Brand Strategy
Graphic Design

Print Design
Motion Graphics

As a leading digital agency, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.

We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity.

Website Development

We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.


The design of a website plays a crucial role in making a lasting impression on visitors. At Enclave Media, we understand the importance of stunning visuals, and our expert designers create captivating and aesthetically pleasing websites that leave a memorable impact on users

Engaging Interactions

Engaging interactions on a website are vital for capturing and retaining user attention. At Enclave Media, we specialize in creating captivating sites that offer seamless and interactive user experiences. From dynamic animations to intuitive navigation, we employ various creative styles to ensure your website not only looks visually stunning but also provides engaging functionality that keeps visitors hooked

Backend Optimization

Backend optimization plays a crucial role in maximizing the visibility and discoverability of your website. At Enclave Media, we creatively fine-tune keywords and strategically optimize the backend of your site to capture the attention of potential customers. By carefully analyzing search trends and user behavior, we implement a data-driven approach to ensure that your website appears in relevant search results and attracts the right audience


Beyond conventional agencies.

At Enclave Media, we go beyond conventional agencies by combining innovative thinking, advanced technology, and strategic expertise to deliver exceptional results for our clients

We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship.

We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.


Years of

ecommerce reimagined

At Enclave Media, we specialize in crafting exceptional ecommerce websites that are designed to drive sales and enhance the online shopping experience. Our team of expert designers and developers work closely with you to understand your brand, products, and target audience. Using the latest technologies and best practices, we create visually stunning and user-friendly ecommerce websites that are optimized for conversion.

From intuitive navigation and seamless product browsing to secure payment gateways and easy checkout processes, we ensure that every aspect of your ecommerce website is optimized for maximum customer satisfaction. We integrate powerful features such as inventory management, order tracking, and customer reviews to streamline operations and build trust with your customers.

With a focus on responsive design, our ecommerce websites are accessible across devices, ensuring a consistent and engaging shopping experience for users on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. We also implement effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to boost your website's visibility in search results and drive organic traffic.

To maximize your website's visibility and reach, we implement effective digital marketing strategies. From search engine optimization (SEO) to social media integration and email marketing, we help you attract relevant traffic and nurture leads into loyal customers.

With our expertise in ecommerce website development, we ensure that your online store is equipped with essential features like secure payment gateways, inventory management, order tracking, and customer reviews. These features not only provide a seamless shopping experience but also instill trust and credibility in your brand.

Whether you're starting a new online store or looking to revamp your existing ecommerce website, our team is dedicated to delivering a customized solution that aligns with your brand identity, goals, and industry best practices. Partner with us to create an ecommerce website that not only showcases your products but also maximizes your online sales potential.

World-class designers and developers.

As a leading digital agency, we look to engage with our clients beyond the conventional design and development agency relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.

We create brand identities, digital experiences, and print materials that communicate clearly achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship.

Layouts Made For Mobile

Designs For All Your Branding

From Digital Design To Print

— Clients


2020 - The most innovative agency

We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.

x6 Site of the Day

x2 Site of the Week

x3 Honorable Mention

x6 Collection

We build and activate brands through cultural insight, strategic vision, and the power of emotion across every element of its expression.

Total Awards


Contact Us

Enclave Media

Vancouver, BC

(604) 206-4411

Looking for a job? Send your resume
